Open Your Heart to Gratitude

Amazing post on gratitude!

writing to freedom

Let’s explore gratitude this week.

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. ~ John Milton

This is one of the most beautiful videos I’ve ever seen. Open your heart to the beauty and gratitude in this awesome video.

What if we learned to see beauty and feel gratitude like in this video?

I’ve been cultivating gratitude over the last few years. Sometimes I journal. Sometimes I speak gratitude out loud. And recently, I’ve been exchanging daily emails of gratitude. This practice helps keep me disciplined to look for beauty and gratitude every day.  The idea came from a suggestion by Jacqueline Wolven in a presentation she gave at WordCamp Fayetteville 2013.

What if we were truly grateful for the precious gift of life?

Appreciating the beauty in us, around us and throughout this…

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7 thoughts on “Open Your Heart to Gratitude

  1. Udo, thank you so much for sharing my post! I’m amazed at all the wonderful new visitors to my blog. You must have a very loving and engaged group. I really appreciate all the blog love you and your readers have shown me. Many blessings, Brad


    • Thanks Brad, your post is awesome (putting it modestly) and I just couldn’t keep it to myself! I am not surprised my friends like it. It’s worth even more attention! Thanks again for your kind words, I truly appreciate!


  2. Pingback: Does it matter how many people read your post? | Cool lady blog

  3. Pingback: The Science Behind Daily Gratitude | Clarabelle

  4. Pingback: Does it matter how many people read your post? | How my heart speaks

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