By all means rest and go low when you must.


By all means rest, and go low when you must.
Lay on the floor and allow the feelings to consume you, sometimes, that is the only way.

But when the light starts to stroke your eyelids, just a tiny glimmer, and you feel a faint bubble of hope sparking into life, somewhere deep within your gut… wake up my friend

For the love of all that is good, let that bubble fizz and pop and create more bubbles and use them to prise open your eyes and restart your weary heart.

Because some of your best days, some of your finest moments, where the sun warms every bone in your broken body and life feels like a beautiful song…
have not even happened yet.

Some of your most wonderful memories
are waiting to be made
and you’re going to need to show up for them.

Words and image:
Donna Ashworth

From ‘LIFE’

Arty by Anna Silivonchik ART

art #poetry #mentalhealthawarenessweek #inspiring #words #hope #quotes





Text and image source: Donna Ashworth

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