#Omens&Symbols . . . Woman of the Healing Thread.


Woman of the Healing Thread: She mends the seams of time

This Ancestor Doll was made for a woman holding both joy and grief, having become a mother a few weeks after losing a beloved pet.

Woman of the Healing Thread helps to honour grief, even as we celebrate new life.

Her white shawl is a symbol of hope and new beginnings, adorned with vintage lace and needlework as a reminder of recognizing and integrating the scars life brings. Like the Japanese art of mending broken pottery with gold, the cracks of life are made beautiful when cared for over time.

Beneath her shawl is a red Kenaz Rune marking, which symbolizes Inner Truth, beacon of light in difficult times, and following your North Star. Under her feet is a red circle, representing the circle of life.

In her belly is Motherwort for calming and postpartum support, Tulsi for grief, Rose for self-love, and Bloodstone to honour the blood mysteries: Menarche, Childbirth, and Menopause.

By: spiritmoving.org/ancestor-dolls.html





Text and image source: The spirit that moves me https://www.facebook.com/100044536115122/posts/pfbid0oSbMsaYV64LqCZbHrfcwV1y4HHGsnkVy8sAUHENoPxzVPw4mmcgJe7vLTpwtLkTGl/?mibextid=Nif5oz

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