New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . Good morning marvelous souls


Good morning, marvelous souls! 🌞
Today, embrace the delightful quirks that make you uniquely you. Imagine yourself as a vibrant patchwork quilt, each piece a different color, pattern, and texture, yet all sewn together with love and purpose.
Start your day with a dash of curiosity and a sprinkle of joy. Maybe wear mismatched socks just because it feels fun, or take a different route on your walk to discover hidden gems in your neighborhood. Let your inner child guide you to moments of spontaneous laughter and wonder.
Remember, it’s the little eccentricities that make life interesting. Dance to the rhythm of your own heartbeat, and don’t be afraid to add a little jazz to your step. Be bold, be whimsical, and most importantly, be unapologetically yourself.
May your day be filled with serendipitous encounters, unexpected delights, and a whole lot of sunshine.
Go out there and paint the world with your unique blend of colors
<3 Rivers in the Ocean <3
Art by Sam Carlo





Text and image source: Rivers in the Ocean

5 thoughts on “New Week Inspiration 💕🌞 . . . Good morning marvelous souls

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