#Omens&Symbols . . . Each bird represents something for the person watching it


Birds are beautiful with the colors of their feathers and strong for the size of their bodies. Each bird represents something for the person watching it. The eagle may bring a strong spiritual message to you while the hummingbird brings thoughts of joy. Crow speaks to communication as he “caws” wherever he goes. Different tribes attached different meanings to birds and are in art everywhere <3
(Art by K. Erickson)





Text and image source: Tribal Whispers https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0LkyWQddqofk8pN1yjfD7vLUNSyZT6arZMBRnzpzDLMtUhpqKimzA8xiURWk72UE9l&id=100057579484749&mibextid=Nif5oz

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