#Omens&Symbols . . . Respect for sacred items is showing respect for others


Respect for sacred items is showing respect for others. If someone is wearing a necklace (or belt, or earrings or even feathers) that is beautiful either in its carving or stones used or unique in its appearance, NEVER go up to the person and touch that item. You don’t know if that is a sacred piece of medicine to that person. Remember to not touch anything on another person <3
(Art by George Catlin)





Text and image source: Tribal Whispers https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02NtYn4HUiLZShwqM91owtMuZC14YGiTA7Yz8ZwWQjkmKVkBi2citM9K15i6iLr7sBl&id=100057579484749&mibextid=Nif5oz

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