High recognitions . . . Festival of The Holy Dove…. loading…


Festival of the Holy Dove.(May 30th)
The Outpouring of Power.
PENTECOST… loading…

“And for those people who carry within them the longing to seek for the Light and the Truth and who thus shine like torches in the depths of this earth, for them is granted Pentecost with the energy renewal from Luminous Heights.

Only to those people alone;
for others are unable to partake since they are not open to it.

He who wishes to truly experience Pentecost, the renewal of energy streams from the Light, must carry within himself the longing for the Light and the Truth undimmed.

It is the only way for him to open himself to the stream of Divine Grace!”

Abdruschin.(In the Light of Truth, “The Grail Message”)





Text and image source: Obinna Magnobi https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02vfxiz1fVdjdu67tkaz4P1i2KXhUjDAeT3qP2xPipc3RT1Fb6WmQBgZVSdHArYTu6l&id=100003539839390&mibextid=Nif5oz

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