Full Moon Blessings!


🌕 Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn on June 21st! 🌕
As the Full Strawberry Moon rises in Capricorn, right on the heels of the Summer Solstice, and with the Sun in Cancer, we find ourselves in a powerful moment of transition and reflection. This celestial event invites us to balance the vibrant energy of summer with the grounded wisdom of Capricorn and the nurturing influence of Cancer.
The Summer Solstice, with its longest day and shortest night, brings a peak of solar energy, illuminating our aspirations and dreams. It’s a time of joy, abundance, and celebration, reminding us to embrace the fullness of life.
Following this, the Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn encourages us to harness this vibrant energy and channel it into tangible, structured goals. Capricorn’s earthy influence guides us to build solid foundations, make practical plans, and take determined steps towards our dreams. Meanwhile, the Sun in Cancer nurtures our emotional world, reminding us to care for our inner selves and our loved ones.
Adding to this dynamic is the influence of a T-square created by the Sun and Moon to Neptune. This aspect can bring a sense of confusion or illusion, challenging us to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Neptune’s energy invites us to dive deep into our intuition and creativity, encouraging us to trust our inner wisdom while being mindful of the potential for deception or misunderstanding.
This powerful combination of the solstice’s fiery inspiration, Capricorn’s steady discipline, Cancer’s nurturing energy, and Neptune’s dreamy influence offers a perfect opportunity to reflect on our journey. It’s a moment to celebrate how far we’ve come, acknowledge the growth we’ve achieved, and recommit to our path with renewed focus and determination.
As you gaze at the Full Strawberry Moon, let its light inspire you to blend the passion of your dreams with the practicality of action, the warmth of compassion, and the clarity of intuition. Embrace this time to set your intentions, ground your visions, and move forward with the confidence that you are supported by the cosmos.
May this celestial alignment bring you clarity, strength, and a deep sense of purpose as you continue your journey. Shine brightly, build wisely, and let the magic of the Full Strawberry Moon guide your steps.
As usual, I invite you to have a look at poetic names for the June Full Moon from several Native American tribes:
Abenaki – Hoer Moon
Algonquin – When They Hill Indian Corn
Anishnaabe (Chippewa, Ojibwe) – Strawberry Moon
Arapaho – When the Buffalo Bellows
Assiniboine – Full Leaf Moon
Cherokee – Green Corn Moon
Choctaw – Moon of the Crane
Comanche – Leaf Moon
Cree – Moon Leaves Come Out
Creek – Blackberry Moon
Haida – Berries Ripen Moon
Hopi – Moon of Planting
Lakota – Moon When the Berries are Good
<3 Rivers in the Ocean <3
Photo by Christina Ragozzino





Text and image source: Rivers in the Ocean https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02ULEZRBWMhLphxr8xPR8Xei3mYjbosxbNGC1rXDUdS6C9GrbcRz3kRLLANuANvp7sl&id=100064678667388&mibextid=Nif5oz

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