I wish you well on your journey of life


I wish you well on your journey of life,
I hope you connect with some genuine
souls along the way,
and may you move between your
failures with optimism,
and always know life is fluid,
it changes.
Some things are too heavy to carry on
your journey, but love is light,
keep that ..

Shams Tabrizi ✨

Artist Credit : Tarn Ellis





Text and image source: Serendipity Corner https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0SVq241vUY28HnGzuBZhTGEbNHpga6g3JFoeR9SyJpQVsQ744194Fm1f7cB6ebwMVl&id=100064712285182&mibextid=Nif5oz

3 thoughts on “I wish you well on your journey of life

  1. Pingback: I wish you well on your journey of life – QuietMomentsWithGod

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