#Reflection . . . Today’s Total Eclipse!!!



Take a moment on today’s total eclipse to remember how magical the cornerstones of our life here are. The way the sun and the moon work in tandem to keep our planet so perfectly primed for life. How they never fail, or miss a beat. Take a moment today to marvel at the science of this and then give your awe over to the magic there too. One degree difference in this dance of star and moon could change everything. Everything. This life you live is never anything short of miraculous. Even on the most mundane of days. Moments like this serve to remind us, we are safely held in place. So be held , my friends, be held.

Donna Ashworth
(They have us, from ‘wild Hope’)

Art by Cedar Lee #cedarleeart






Text and image source: Donna Ashworth https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02wg2rV5KrGrrXEsVLAFvSQn4p9aMD6UnAp6CDzXKd7MWq598GGgP2p4B19EmnFrv1l&id=100044362152366&mibextid=Nif5oz

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