It’s Equinox !!!


It’s the Equinox – equal moments of light and darkness today on both halves of the planet. We here in the north are headed into spring after a long winter – greeting new growth, planting new seeds. Our brothers and sisters in the south are heading into autumn, the time of harvest, of knowing and holding close what has value for the winter ahead.

Today is a celebration of balance, of that point just before and just after, of the pause at the end of the exhale when we regain our footing on the earth, letting her pull us toward her so we can dance lightly but with exquisite balance.

I trust the light that does not deny the darkness, and I can rest deeply in the sheltering darkness when I know the promise of the returning light.

So let’s hold them both today – the dark and the light, the being lost and being found, the pain and the joy. Let’s allow the darkness to give depth to the light and feel our way together through the dreaming that guides us when we are no longer afraid of the dark. Blessed Equinox dear friend.

~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer

[Art: Rosanna Tasker]





Text and image source: The Cosmic Dancer

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